Selecting Other Options for your Order:
We can accommodate any client preference for translated Asian business cards. Our goal is to ensure that the business cards you receive meet your exact specifications. Thus, there are a few client-based options one should consider when translating/localizing business cards:
A. Translate the company name?
To preserve consistency among all marketing material, most clients prefer that their company name remain in English, even on translated Asian business cards. Please advise us on your preference.
B. Translate the mailing address?
Some clients keep their USA-based mailing address in English, even on translated business cards; primarily, because this address must be in English for mailings to the USA, etc. However, for dual-sided cards, one can elect to translate the mailing address on the target language side since the original side will remain in English. Please advise us on your preference.
C. Does your business card have a tagline?
Some business cards have taglines included in English. Most clients prefer that taglines remain in English for branding purposes, even for translated cards. Please advise us on your preference.
D. Toll-free telephone numbers?
Many toll-free numbers (such as “800 numbers”) do not work overseas, or they are not toll-free. Most clients choose to omit these numbers entirely and replace them with a standard USA-based phone line. Another option is to translate a special note that explains that these numbers are only toll-free from America. (Note: Depending on the card’s layout, it is not always advisable to include the toll-free explanation, as it will seriously distort the card’s layout.)
E. Already have a specific translated name?
Again, our goal is to work with you and ensure that each card meets your exact specifications. For example, if you have a Japanese-American name, and would like to provide the exact kanji characters on your business card, we can include this. You can always email us any specific characters to use on your business cards.